Do you consider music lessons a priority in your homeschool?
There are so many possibilities when it comes to curriculum and we’ve got to make sure the basics are covered…is music really worth teaching, too? When you’ve got multiple kiddos in multiple stages of development the thought of dragging everybody to music lessons just isn’t very practical. Then there’s the cost, the time commitment, and oh yeah…the fact that we’re all under quarantine right now and we couldn’t leave the house for a music lesson if we wanted to.
Join me today as I talk with Joseph Hoffman, founder, and CEO of Hoffman Academy. Joseph teaches students around the world how to play the piano right from their very own home with his online program and his unique Hoffman Method. He also teaches students at his local academy in Portland, Oregon (or at least he did before COVID put a pause on meeting together).
If you’ve checked out online lessons in the past but realized they didn’t give your child the full music education you were hoping for and you’ve been wondering if there’s a solid piano curriculum out there that would work for your family, you will not want to miss this episode.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- why music matters and is worth prioritizing
- the benefits of taking music lessons online
- why music is so therapeutic for our outside-the-box kiddos (and everyone else, for that matter)
- how to help your child learn to play even if you’re clueless
- why the Hoffman Method is a worthwhile way to learn
- a magical moment when I ask Mr. Hoffman to play for us and he says yes…then unknowingly chooses one of my favorite pieces
- how you can get started (did I mention he’s giving a special coupon to all of you beautiful people who listen to my podcast?)

Show Notes
- If you’ve been around awhile, you know I’ve been talking about Hoffman Academy since 2015
- Hoffman Academy
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